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Running for Asgardia's parliamentary elections 2023

A new model of society based on science and knowledge

Before the parliamentary elections in Asgardia even begin, I would like to provide an elucidatory overview of the principles and reasons that lead me to take part again to it and to establish a model of society based on science and knowledge and to introduce a new institutional figure governed by a hereditary noble title. However. for the avoidance of doubt, I would like to underline clearly and without any fear that the original idea of founding Asgardia was born from me and not from Dr. Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, who was informed of this idea by Silvio Berlusconi, whom I have unfortunately known since my childhood!
Having said that, it is equally necessary to clarify that I have no intention of bullying anyone but that I am nevertheless firmly determined to stop a game that finds no justification other than the desire to hinder my work, which would be far more constructive and useful than others. I have no intention of denigrating the work done so far by Dr. Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, who naturally deserves credit for funding the Asgardia project and configuring and launching the Asgardia 1 satellite NSSDCA/COSPAR ID: 2017-071N, and who, however, I reproach for a policy based solely on a citizenship fee!
I remember when I conceived this idea I talked about it with my mother, now deceased, telling her that all of us should understand the entire world population as "One humanity, one unity", a syntagm that later became the motto of Asgardia. If nothing else, you now know the roots of Asgardia's motto. Together with that syntagm, I expressed the concept of light as it should be understood "Omnia Lux Est - All is Light". Now without necessarily listing all the details of the Asgardia project, which I had already conceived beforehand and whose name is also of my conception, I would like to explain what Asgardia should actually be today. Asgardia's key scientific goal is facilitating the first human childbirth in space — a crucial step on our path to immortality as a species. Now this is what Asgardia aims to achieve, however there is currently nothing that gives us hope or belief that such a goal can be achieved and not so much because the state of the art of science is not sufficiently advanced for the achievement of such an objective, as for the fact that there are no conditions for which all this can actually happen. So at this point we wonder what the ideal conditions should be for the achievement of this objective.
It is not difficult to understand that if you found a virtual nation with the pretension of being recognized or even conceiving a new human being in space without being able to count on any concrete or tangible resource or at least a physical presence in orbit, all this cannot be understood as anything other than a great mockery of those who hope for a better future. Even assuming that we can rely on an orbiting platform like the international space station, the problem of microgravity continues to persist, which naturally makes even the mere birth of a human being impossible. NASA as well as SpaceX aims to colonize the moon and send humans to Mars and it is possible that they will succeed and perhaps be able to create a magnetic field necessary to protect themselves from cosmic rays. However this will take time and will certainly not guarantee the eternal survival of the human species especially in a more hostile environment than planet earth. So I think Asgardia should be understood in another way, if you don't want to run the risk of being confined solely to the world of the imaginary or at worst be understood as a real scam. I firmly believe in the strength of DNA and its inherent ability to survive over time even up to 2000,000 years. What makes our existence possible is our DNA and the cells that animate it and although the current state of the art of science does not yet allow us to block the aging process that causes the natural death of our organism and its cells, however, it is already capable, as Luc Montagnier teaches us, of extracting and transmitting our own DNA unaltered in vitro through electromagnetism to a new embryo, what still remains to be understood is understanding exactly when to transmit it, i.e. when a new embryo still lacks its own DNA during a process known as the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT). Nothing that cannot be understood and obtained with a series of attempts and laboratory experiments!

What drives many not to believe in the survival of their own DNA and of the cells that animate it are essentially three aspects: the first derived from the fact that the current state of the art of science is not oriented towards channeling its energies towards a solution to the survival of the human species in its unaltered state because it continues to rely on the theory of evolution as expressed by Charles Darwin, who associates all the evolutionary principles to chance, which is exact but not if you want to transmit your unaltered DNA to a new embryo with technologies to which Charles Darwin could not resort during his time. The second aspect, probably what has the most impact is to be attributed to a culture based on unverifiable beliefs or beliefs of religious nature, which rely on an ethics that finds no reasons if not in the desire to argue and question a scientific truth. The third and final aspect is due to the fear of many of becoming mere clones of what we are. And it is precisely this aspect that I would like to clarify unequivocally i.e. we would not be clones of ourselves at all, but rather human beings in possession of their own DNA unique and unrepeatable animated by differentiated cells on specific indications of their own DNA capable of reconstructing the entire human organism. What scares in such a process is the absence of memory as we are used to understanding it, or the memory that distinguishes us that belongs to us when we are alive and that ceases to exist at the moment of our death. But even in this case we can already rely on technologies such as nanotechnology, of which Dr. Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli, even if not in the medical field, is a master, capable to create a silicon memory molecule based on a Bose Einstein condensate to be implanted in an embryo during the process of neurulation and placed in the hippocampus at the time of the synaptic formation through electromagnetism from an external source.,134290.html

Now I mentioned a DNA to be extracted from one's cells and transmitted to a new embryo through electromagnetism, I mentioned a memory molecule in silicon to be created using nanotechnology in the form of a Bose Einstein condensate and finally I mentioned the possibility of implanting this memory molecule in the developing embryo during the process of neurulation and to be placed in the Hippocampus from the outside through electromagnetism at the time of the synaptic formation, all easily achievable laboratory procedures that do not require any knowledge other than the competence of the person performing them! As for the integrity of one's DNA and any corrections to be made even before it is transduced to a new embryo without DNA, we can confidently rely on CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR–Cas12a2 technology.

I would also like to point out that a silicon memory molecule in the form of a Bose Einstein condensate would have the sole purpose of receiving, transmitting and saving the electromagnetic signals present in the trisynaptic circuit in its own condensate. This memory molecule would in no way be manipulated in its content from external sources if not through the neuronal circuit which takes the name of trisynaptic circuit. What is essential to understand is that it is absolutely not an electronic microchip that perishes over time, subjected to rejection and which can be manipulated by external sources, it would be on the contrary a real memory molecule capable of storing and retransmit all the electromagnetic signals present in the hippocampus favoring in such way the configuration and development of a healthy and robust brain synapse. Ultimately, this memory molecule can be recovered at the time of the death of our organism and re-implanted in a new embryo, thus maintaining our memory unchanged.

As for our DNA, I would also like to point out that the state of the art of science today allows us to save it in the form of electromagnetic waves in a metamaterial and in a Bose Einstein condensate, which can last for an infinite period of time!

By carefully reading what has been said up to now, we realize that we are dealing with a series of technologies that are not applied except individually in the laboratory and solely for experimental purposes. If now we try to think about the possibility to apply the aforementioned technologies for giving life to an embryo and equip it with a DNA of our choice and a memory molecule to be implanted in the course of its development we would realize that what continues to make this process unfeasible is the absence of the artificial womb that allows the prenatal development i.e. the organogenesis and the fetal development. At this point, I find it necessary to mention the name of Hashem Al-Ghaili, a science communicator and biotechnologist from Berlin who founded EctoLife, who claims that the technology for creating an artificial womb is already available, but ethical constraints do not make it a reality and concluded by stating that every feature is completely based on science and that scientists and engineers already master such technology. Below I report a series of links to confirm what I just wrote.

Since the state of the art of science allows us to transduce our unaltered DNA to a new embryo, create a memory molecule and implant it into an embryo before it is even implanted into an artificial womb there is no reason why we should not try to channel all our energies to the realization of the greatest human project that has ever existed. And this is the main reason why it is worth creating a new model of society based on science and knowledge.

To the question why we should resort to a new institutional figure like that of a King, I would like to say as follows:

in The Republic Book VIII, Plato describes five regimes, they are Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny (of which four are unjust). Timocracy is listed as the first "unjust" regime. Aristotle later wrote in his Nicomachean Ethics (Book 8, Chapter 10) "There are three forms of constitution, but also as many deviations, understood as degenerations of them. The three different Constitutions are: the Kingdom, the Aristocracy and the last form based on the Census which is appropriate to call "The Timocratic Constitution". Of these, the best is the kingdom, the worst is the timocracy. From timocracy we move to democracy, since these two constitutions have the same boundaries: in fact, timocracy wants to be the government of the majority, and equal are all those who have a certain census. Among corrupted Constitutions the less mean is the Democracy, since this form of constitution is not so distorting".

From these observations it is clear that the best constitution is the Kingdom, tha's why I believe that there is no more suitable and representative institutional figure than a King to introduce in the constitution of Asgardia The Space Kingdom. As for the hereditary noble title, the reasons are to be found in the concept of continuity as expressed in one's DNA.

You are a King if at the head of a "Just monarchy", you abdicate if in the grip of vice and corruption!

As Alessandro I, I solemnly pledge to create by decree of Asgardia a "Just monarchy" founded on science and knowledge. A monarchy capable of providing with a territory for Asgardia, preferably on the territory of the Russian Federation, on which to build a sustainable city as suggested by "The Venus Project" "Beyond politics, poverty and war". A model of city that can be recreated wherever necessary, where wars and climate change have scourged the human community. I also undertake to establish close collaboration with the scientific community Club of Rome and Deutsche Gesellschaft Club of Rome and to establish close relationships with the international scientific community, as well as I will work for Asgardia to be recognized as a nation by the Russian Federation and the Member States of the UN and OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation. My goal is also to speed up the process of ratifying the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations (VCLTIO) by 35 states.

Pacta sunt servanda rebus sic stantibus:

“Agreements [i.e. inter-state Treaties, in International Law] will be observed so long as the conditions under which they were made remain the same”

Last but not least, I will honor the official coat of arms of the Gothic Royal Family, which finds its roots in the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire and whose motto "Omnia Lux Est - All is Light" finds its highest expression in science.


Symbols of the Royal House

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Coat of arms of the Royal House, (Omnia lux est: All is Light) as restyling of the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire
Sigillum burgensium de berlin sum, (Ich bin das Siegel der Bürger von Berlin), (I am the seal of the citizens of Berlin)
Monogram of the next King of Asgardia and Gothic Royal Family 'His Majesty Alessandro I'
Coat of arms of the Head of the Space Nation Dr. Igor Raufowitsch Aschurbejli
Coat of arms of Asgardia
National Flag of Asgardia